Saturday 9 December 2017

what is the most sesistive part in a women

which part do u like getting stimulated girls only best feelings should be told_ Cinda:Girlfriend of 3 months slept with my sisters boyfriend before we started dating?(6 December 2017) Jacquline:Is mental retardation common among male of female?(6 December 2017) Milagros:How does one handle discouragement in this situation?(6 December 2017) Milagros:I fear I’m her little secret in a way but [...]

What if the girl is ugly and is also a crazy?
(7 December 2017)

People tell me not give importance to looks but care about personalty.
(7 December 2017)

I'm a guy and I like penis?
(7 December 2017)

I'm a teen guy and I like other guys - particular abs and I like penis, I like to suck on them and take it up the rear, I also think vagina is gross and don't find an interest in girls in that way (never had a girlfriend or wanted one). How come?
(7 December 2017)

Calling CPS is not an option and I have nowhere else to go.
(7 December 2017)

Oh, and did I mention that anytime I try to tell her about herself, she gets violent?
(7 December 2017)

Homeless with a car in Los Angeles what are my options?
(7 December 2017)

I just need a place to be able to park go unnoticed, not be bothered by anybody or the police.
(7 December 2017)

Until I am stable at my job after 6 months renting hotel or motel room for now is out of the question.
(7 December 2017)

I just got the job and my step dad gave me $2000.00 cash and said he would help me from time to time.
(7 December 2017)

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