Friday, 15 December 2017

Well, Have You?

[image]_ Ashely:I already took her to the pediatrician and he said that there is everything okay with her bladder.(12 December 2017) Ashely:It’s probably a psychological problem because my husband was diagnosed with cancer and she’s really struggling with it because there are so many changes in her life right now.(12 December 2017) Ashely:My 6yo daughter has a bedwetting [...]

I was married about a year ago, and when we were engaged, he asked me if I ever wanted children, because he expressed that he wanted them.
(12 December 2017)

He is physical attracted to me but is emotional attracted to my sister?
(12 December 2017)

Every time he talks to me, he ends up asking me to have cyber sex with him, I keep saying no, I just want to be friend.
(12 December 2017)

It's been two years since the last time I was sleeping with him.
(12 December 2017)

I only want to be a friend with him, but he wants to sleep with me.
(12 December 2017)

My feeling hurts, I decided to leave him . but he keeps contacting me.
(12 December 2017)

I asked him and he told me she's just special friend to him, he also told her I'm just like his younger sister.
(12 December 2017)

Later I found out he love my sister.
(12 December 2017)

We slept with each other a couple times when he traveled to where I live.
(12 December 2017)

About three years ago, he started talking to me more often through social media (we live in two different states), I thought he loved me.
(12 December 2017)

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