Saturday 9 December 2017

welcome to the new aff

Meelp changed this site from a meeting place to a pay-per-view site. I get so tired of seeing signs saying show breast for 800 points. If I want to just jack off to videos instead of really meeting an_ Akilah:This girl is being very…. weird?(5 December 2017) Akilah:So few days ago I went and hung out with [...]

Well now she thinks I'm cheating all the time now.
(6 December 2017)

Fast forward a little and some chick at my job told my girl I was cheating on her and talking bad behind her back.
(6 December 2017)

I need some help here So I've been dating this girl for about 1 and two months but it seems she changed In the beginning I told her I wasn't ready to get married and she replied so in the end I'm gonna be hurt.
(6 December 2017)

So, imagine you are in a new city and need to make new friends; How do you go from strangers to friends?
(6 December 2017)

I don't mean where do you find people to make friends with... ...I mean how do you make friends?
(6 December 2017)

I'm too shy around my crush?! :(( How to gain confidence when talking to him?
(6 December 2017)

If you hook up (foreplay) with two guys at the same time but don t have intercourse with either is it still a threesome?
(6 December 2017)

Guys, would you date a girl with a horizontal belly button?
(6 December 2017)

I have a fit toned up belly but my navel is not vertical, it's very horizontal and it makes me self conscious.
(6 December 2017)

What makes men interested in a woman?
(6 December 2017)

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