Saturday 2 December 2017

spring freeze gets a thaw

The weather changed very quickly over night from quite warm to below zero so the play space was a bit cold as folks turned up for our monthly movie matinee. We had 7 couples, 2 ladies(yes unicorns do_ April:This time he told me that he knows I said it’d be fine, but he doesn’t want to [...]

I'm 21 and she's 28, sometimes I feel like I am too immature for her.
(29 November 2017)

Do you girls like brunette guys?
(29 November 2017)

Now, we all have different likes so this is kinda a poll actually.
(29 November 2017)

I have brunette hair, brown eyes and white skin.
(29 November 2017)

When Bullying Turns Deadly: Can It Be Stopped?from an article, what do you think about bullying in school?
(29 November 2017)

What does it mean when a guy you like but never actually met that you added on snapchat keeps sending me pictures of himself?
(29 November 2017)

He's not sending nudes or being shirtless, just like taking a picture of himself.
(29 November 2017)

I even said 'hi' in a snap, and he just sent a selfie.
(29 November 2017)

So I added him on Snapchat, and I sent him a snap, and he sent a snap of himself sort of smiling back, and throughtout the next couple of days, after each snap I sent, he would just send a picture of himself.
(29 November 2017)

It broke my heart and I feel a bit nauseas.
(29 November 2017)

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