Saturday 9 December 2017

Sounds Like A Plan

[Image]_ Daniele:Ok so honestly I watched this video on the childrens shows that dealt with serious issues and well they showed a clip of this episode where this little boy met a pedophile online.(6 December 2017) Minda:I’m in love with an experienced killer?!?(6 December 2017) Sierra:So how do i tell her in a way that will either make [...]

So how do I convince my Mom to let me see my grandfather and his family for Christmas?
(6 December 2017)

My Dad just does as my Mom says and my Mom hates her in-laws.
(6 December 2017)

I feel like I am being disloyal and my Mom says my grandmother considers our family disloyal.
(6 December 2017)

I feel so ashamed to be the only grandchild along with my siblings not there.
(6 December 2017)

This is my Dad's family so it is easy for my Mom as she can still see her family.
(6 December 2017)

It has been 4 years since we attended though and my grandfather has not gotten help.
(6 December 2017)

She won't let me see him or the family cause he is an alcoholic so she thinks grounding me from the family gathering will make him get help.
(6 December 2017)

I am at home now in my bare feet and since I am not going in anyplace and it is warm out and I am only going to be gone for about 30 minutes I am just going to drive in my bare feet and not bring my shoes.
(6 December 2017)

I have to leave shortly to go pick up my son at his friends house.
(6 December 2017)

Is being a soccer or basketball coach an especially attractive profession, according to women?
(6 December 2017)

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