Saturday, 30 December 2017

…Sometimes Love Can Find A Way

I was pondering the love that I have felt in my life.Bearing in mind that I only have control over my emotions and no one else’s,I’ve had a lot of love for the people who have come into and ou_ Yolande:Im trying to prove them wrong that I want full freedom for myself and no difficulties [...]

Under it there was a water puddle from my baby cousin and when we walked through my guy bsf slipped on it and fell.
(28 December 2017)

So when you walk into my house there is like this doorway thing without a door leading to the kitchen.
(28 December 2017)

After a while we ended up getting freezing and we went inside.
(28 December 2017)

It was snowing that day so me and him went outside to mess around in the snow.
(28 December 2017)

My family and his family are both really close so a few days ago we had his family over for a Christmas party.
(28 December 2017)

So im a girl me and my best friend who is a boy are both 13 years old and have been friends for about 7 years and we are very close.
(28 December 2017)

Very Nervous. Sometimes I get anxiety. How to cope?
(28 December 2017)

I don't want it to be awk in any way.
(28 December 2017)

I am thinking of all the bad outcomes such as what if they hate me.
(28 December 2017)

I am just nervous that everything is going to be bad.
(28 December 2017)

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