Friday, 22 December 2017


it isn’t until afterwardswhen the air has clearedand the room is emptythe space in my palmwhere another had its placenow emptyphantom memory filling spaceand the deep exhale shaking back and shoul_ Angela:Wtf is happening these days are women just out to destroy men?(20 December 2017) Angela:I’ve been reported at work 3 times in the past month for [...]

I have to add that I have irregular periods therefore I don't know exactly when I could have been ovulating.
(19 December 2017)

I know it's too early to take a pregnancy test, but according to your experience, is it possible I might be pregnant?
(19 December 2017)

I feel more emotional than usual and very anxious.
(19 December 2017)

I feel so tired I can, today I could barely get up of bed.
(19 December 2017)

One day I threw up a bit in my mouth.
(19 December 2017)

During these dats I have had chest pain, abd around day 6-8 I have had a lot of pain in the lower abdomen.
(19 December 2017)

Why are people more comfortable sexually commenting on someone they don't know on social media, dating sites, than someone in real life?
(19 December 2017)

Why do my co-workers think I have no backbone?!?
(19 December 2017)

If I were, why did l go toe to toe with clients in the past?
(19 December 2017)

She said that s pretty good advice and that she didn t know I had a backbone.
(19 December 2017)

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