Wednesday 27 December 2017


1. What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball?A guy will actually search for a golf ball.2. What’s the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms?One’s a Goodyear. The other’s_ Jessica:On 1st January 2015 was the last time I saw her.(26 December 2017) Jessica:This was also to rekindle our relationship that we once had.(26 [...]

He has been abusive at times, his ex-wife has caused a lot of problems an their has been issues with his family.
(24 December 2017)

While I have never actual met Tim in person, are relationship has had it's ups an downs.
(24 December 2017)

The next day he asked me to marry him, an of course I said yes.
(24 December 2017)

We messaged back an forth that night an fell in love pretty quickly.
(24 December 2017)

My fiance Tim an I has been togethor sense 2014. We met by accident, he sent me a email meant for someone else.
(24 December 2017)

Why did my girlfriend cry when I asked her to marry me?
(24 December 2017)

I bought her one of those 2 diamond rings for her and told her one diamond was for my best friend and one was for my true love and she started crying.
(24 December 2017)

Why do guys ghost me?
(24 December 2017)

We kept talking on the phone and he told me I was beautiful, etc. then when the end of the week came, I didn't hear from him...things like this keep happening to me, guys will say I'm beautiful then never give me a date.
(24 December 2017)

He called me and told me he wanted to see me that night, then flaked out saying he had to wait to get paid until the end of the week.
(24 December 2017)

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