Thursday, 21 December 2017


I’m starting to think that this 30 minute documentary about the Amazing Shark Vacuum Cleaner might be a commercial._ Arlinda:She told me she’s really into snowballing.(19 December 2017) Stephani:How to get preggnant?(19 December 2017) Stephani:How do I get preggnant, so my baby is cute and can be famous to?(19 December 2017) Stephani:I’m 14 and I want to have a [...]

To be fair, he was just a normal man who believed in God before he became a pastor.
(18 December 2017)

Difference between crush and love?
(18 December 2017)

I mean like can a crush become love whats the difference and how long does a crush usually last ?
(18 December 2017)

Is this cat a girl or boy? about 6 months old?
(18 December 2017)

She wants to cheat on her boyfriend with me, this my first time?
(18 December 2017)

What do you guys think, should I go for it?
(18 December 2017)

I'm really want to do this but I'm also a little afraid.
(18 December 2017)

There is no way a relationship can come trough this because she has to much going on on her side.The thing is I'm a 23 male and this would be my first time but she doesn't know that.
(18 December 2017)

We have the understanding that the relationship isn't serious.
(18 December 2017)

I know she is in a difficult spot emotionally and she just wants to have a good time.
(18 December 2017)

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