Thursday 7 December 2017

Coconut Oil

I keep my hole moisturized with coconut oil. Sometimes I cant help but play with it. I love gently rubbing my finger around the rim, then pushing my finger inside. Sometimes that isnt enough though. S_ Emma:I’m not that self-conscious over it or anything just wondering.(4 December 2017) Emma:My girlfriend does not like anything but very short [...]

Should I be concerned about this relationship?
(4 December 2017)

Or do you think she actually does not have feelings for me at all and wants to move on?
(4 December 2017)

Do you believe this is only a little time she might be going through of some confusement?
(4 December 2017)

I firmly believe she doesn't and she's also honest.
(4 December 2017)

Also just letting you all know, she is not hiding anything or cheating on me.
(4 December 2017)

I don't know what to do and I am very afraid where this relationship will lead to.
(4 December 2017)

I really look forward for our future but after a year being together, she's suddenly changed drastically.
(4 December 2017)

I have been very hurt because I love her very much.
(4 December 2017)

She tells me to understand that she doesn't know what she's saying, and she has said sorry many times but somehow still don't know what she wants.
(4 December 2017)

Also yes, it has started ever since her cycle started.
(4 December 2017)

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