Monday 18 December 2017

5 paintings, naked art with a vision Of all sorts of ….

……. Sexually different styles in similar shapes to all kinds of nakedness. Most are in pink, some darker, not entirely bi-sexually meant, just the way they have came out. A for instance example is_ Adriane:He kind of suggested that I come to his workplace if I didn’t have anything to do.(15 December 2017) Adriane:I don’t date all [...]

I told him I'd miss him and with really sorrowful eyes he sadly, meaningfully, slowly said he'd miss me too.
(15 December 2017)

Just as I was about to leave he gave me a hug.
(15 December 2017)

In the middle of the game he ran down the field, picked a flower and ran back up and gave it to me.
(15 December 2017)

He started a fight with his friends and began to cry (this all was a result of what I told him). Then on my last day he was playing soccer with the other guys, I was standing there watching.
(15 December 2017)

He asked when I'd be coming back and I said never and he had to leave the room.
(15 December 2017)

We grew to be friends as we have a lot in common and he's extremely mature.
(15 December 2017)

This guy is 3 & a half yrs younger than me.
(15 December 2017)

Is studying PUA social dynamics really a good way to make girlfriends?
(15 December 2017)

How do you draw a line between someone being a fake?
(15 December 2017)

(15 December 2017)

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