Monday 27 November 2017

Wednesday’s Sexiness

Some nude pics of me and some sexy ladies for you to enjoy!_ Fran:She hooked me up with a guy but didn t tell me he has a girlfriend, and when i asked why she said she forgot to tell me.(26 November 2017) Fran:It s only now that i realize that she consciously pushes me in bad [...]

Sorry if my grammar is bad in this post.
(24 November 2017)

Can I force her to see a doctor?
(24 November 2017)

Do I take her to a mental illness hospital?
(24 November 2017)

They won t make much off the house.) I m just looking for advice on what to do about her.
(24 November 2017)

Their house flooded a year ago and my dad is living in a small trailer in the front yard.
(24 November 2017)

She won t see a doctor and keeps causing scenes. (A judge is supposed to be splitting their stuff in January.
(24 November 2017)

But I don t know what to do about my mom.
(24 November 2017)

He has been bring her food and washing her clothes..... my dad had a heart attack 3 days ago had to have 4 bypasses he is recovering well.
(24 November 2017)

She has been living their for 3 months.
(24 November 2017)

My dad had put her in a rental trailer after she cheated on him.
(24 November 2017)

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