Thursday 2 November 2017

Moved on

[image]Well, it made me laugh._ Buena:Girl remembered detail about me from the beginning of the year, good sign?(2 November 2017) Buena:I don’t remember where anyone else in the class worked.(2 November 2017) Buena:The teacher assigned us partners and she changed the subject and brought up where I worked out of nowhere.(2 November 2017) Buena:It was over this little ice [...]

I see her often going from class to class (high school) and at lunch.
(31 October 2017)

There s this girl I like, but I don t have any classes with her.
(31 October 2017)

How do I tell my mom and dad I'm pregnant?
(31 October 2017)

Nature does weird things occasionally. ..Am I going to be rich?
(31 October 2017)

So what if I'm a guy- there's a first time for everything.
(31 October 2017)

Unprotected sex, followed by mood swings, odd cravings, belly growing by the day, and haven't had a period, in...God knows how long.
(31 October 2017)

At least I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant.
(31 October 2017)

My husband and I want to have a baby, but cant reproduce?
(31 October 2017)

I'm just getting my feet wet, please be kind.
(31 October 2017)

My husband was adopted when he was 3 years old.
(31 October 2017)

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