Wednesday, 15 November 2017

If a man puts a pic of his boner up here on main pic, or showing a hard on, do you think

If a man puts a pic of his boner up here on main pic, or showing a hard on, do you think he wants people to notice his boner?_ Lia:I had a very rough childhood and I’ve learn to leave and move from things and people since little and I feel that at this very moment [...]

And my MOM, how she want be respectful woman when she acting that way?
(13 November 2017)

Its not respectful, if i had wife i would never fart in marriage.
(13 November 2017)

They live in they own home,they work hard everday and doing this is stupid i know all of that But lets say that attitude is disgusting and they are the only one who do it in family.
(13 November 2017)

Is it passive aggressive to give a sniffly guy some tissues even if he doesn't ask for them?
(13 November 2017)

I complained about an employee at a grocery store and the manager walked out of the store why?
(13 November 2017)

She said she thinks she knows things when she doesn't she walked me out of the store in a way.
(13 November 2017)

She said she would talk to her about it.
(13 November 2017)

Then I complained to management about her asking me that and I said I thought that was an unnecessary question to ask and it was offensive because I do have Asbergers Syndrome and that if she knew me better I wouldn't get upset about it.
(13 November 2017)

She said I see you touching your nose a lot I thought you changed your medicine and I think you have Tourettes Syndrome I told her she is jumping to conclusions I told her that twice.
(13 November 2017)

I said why are you asking me that?
(13 November 2017)

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