Thursday 12 October 2017

Well that was fun….

So the whole “non-event” snow storm…. Yeah it wasn’t…Er.. was… An event…Damn it, that’s confusing.So I wake up to pee at 3 am… sorry TMI right? … anyway, so I decide to sneak a peek…I lo_ Debora:I used to wear a size 5 in pants and I am now a size 13. I ve seen women [...]

For the past month I've taken to my closet friend out of the others and she told me that they have a large Skype group.
(9 October 2017)

About 6 or 7 people, both genders.
(9 October 2017)

I have a good size friend group.
(9 October 2017)

What is wrong with my son and why is he so mean to me?
(9 October 2017)

I've found alcoholic drinks in his room and I don't like him drinking but he said it's hypocritical because I drink but the thing is I am an adult with my own house, he's just a kid.
(9 October 2017)

He sneaks out and I call him after he leaves to ask him where he's going, who he's with and why he's going, etc.
(9 October 2017)

He goes out with friends every once in a while and I never met them.
(9 October 2017)

It gets to where I ask him so many times I have to yell and we end up arguing.
(9 October 2017)

I have to lecture him all the time about things like manners and cleaning.
(9 October 2017)

He doesn't remember to do anything.
(9 October 2017)

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