Thursday 5 October 2017

This One Never Gets Old….

For me, anyhoot!_ Yuko:I’m 16 and I haven’t kissed anyone?(1 October 2017) Sabina:Even if I get a girlfriend I have to worry about her secretly lusting after tall guys so what is the point.(1 October 2017) Sabina:I will never find a cute girl that likes my height.(1 October 2017) Sabina:Should I just kill myself since women hate short guys?(1 [...]

If you do I'm letting you know that I might not be around much longer.
(2 October 2017)

Or if anyone else has experienced?
(2 October 2017)

I'm in no way seeking attention but I'm wondering if this is normal behavior?
(2 October 2017)

Later that night we wre having make up sex , and he was being extremely physical, and left my with countless blue bruises morning after.
(2 October 2017)

Two days after that we were in his bedroom, and started arguing again, I got up to leave and he grabbed from behind me and threw me onto his bed and held my hands down above my head saying how I shouldn't leave.
(2 October 2017)

I eventually stayed with him that night to cool him off.
(2 October 2017)

About 2 months ago- we got into slight argument (drunkenly) and I threatened to walk out and he all sudden became furious and began throwing things down the stairs, and punched the wall twice with bleeding knuckles as a result.
(2 October 2017)

I'd notice he was very naturally possessive and spoiled- never took NO for an answer due to his extremely privileged upbringing.
(2 October 2017)

Well, we've known each other for year and some but romantically only about 8 months.
(2 October 2017)

I've been romantically involved with this guy for about a year plus now.
(2 October 2017)

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