Friday 13 October 2017

Things can change quickly

Seems to be the running theme of my life lately. Its the weather one day, A friends break up the next, One crisis here another crisis some place else. We just never know what will happen in a given d_ Cinda:She got out, but really most of the friends she made as an adult were members.(10 [...]

I have done two tests a week apart and they were both negative.
(10 October 2017)

I do not know if having pain on my side is a sign of pregnancy but I read on line it is.
(10 October 2017)

I have taken a pregnancy test and it was negative but I do not know what else it could be.
(10 October 2017)

I have been have been having a lot of cramps even after my period.
(10 October 2017)

My period was really late, and my boobs were sore.
(10 October 2017)

I have been on the pill for a couple months now.
(10 October 2017)

How do i snapchat with my grandson?
(10 October 2017)

My grandson is never of of it and I want to speak to him may some of you nice people help me?
(10 October 2017)

Is it weird to ask someone on a weekend trip when we haven't hung out that much?
(10 October 2017)

I would really like to spend more time with him, but I also don't want him to feel weird about my asking him.
(10 October 2017)

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