Wednesday 4 October 2017


Why is so hard for people (especially those that we’re giving special attention to) to open thier mouth and tell us what they want? I mean if they want a coke a beer for some a smoke or whatever then_ Shelley:He asked if I was ok with how things are I said yes.(4 October 2017) Shelley:I have [...]

Sometimes I won't talk to any of my friends ( I only have two but they are the best people I know) and I dunno why.
(1 October 2017)

Does spermicidal lubricant have any merit?
(1 October 2017)

I know this does nothing for STDs, but does it reduce the chance of getting the woman pregnant by any significant amount?
(1 October 2017)

I see a lot of condoms labeled as having a spermicidal lube.
(1 October 2017)

Why did he think he was leading me on?
(1 October 2017)

I knew he didn't like me, I am a pretty black and white type of person usually when someone says they don't like me I just assumed they'll never like me back, but now I'm just confused because I don't understand why he would say that.
(1 October 2017)

The guy I used to like and I haven't had a deep conversation about feelings for a long time and now suddenly he tells me he thought he was leading me on, and never have I ever thought that he was.
(1 October 2017)

Is 6 inches small or big in your opinion?
(1 October 2017)

Im 13 and ive heared that 6.3 inches is big but alsom heard that its small.
(1 October 2017)

Boyfriend seems to be a bit distant?
(1 October 2017)

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