Monday 23 October 2017

Sitting, laying or standing ……

…… At almost anytime in a 24 hour spin on Mother Earth’s axle. How many of us are doing what we want, really think about it. My birth Mother is with her hubby, stops for a few minutes to text me s_ Li:I’m a 15 year old guy that’s 5′6 and haven’t grown in over a [...]

Do you consider your baby boomer parents emotionally needy?
(20 October 2017)

From your experience with your baby boomer parents do you consider this true?
(20 October 2017)

And raised their children to take care of their (the parents') emotional needs above the child's own feelings.
(20 October 2017)

I read that the children born between the 40s and 60s had the tendency to become narcissistic adults.
(20 October 2017)

It seems there is an increasing issue of people in their 20s, 30s and 40s having a difficult time dealing with their emotionally needy, baby boomer, parents.
(20 October 2017)

Poll: Would you hang out with STAN?
(20 October 2017)

Would you meet up and hang out with the master STAN?
(20 October 2017)

My boyfriend says he likes by body odor during sex and he asks me not to put on deoderant before. He also likes to kiss under my arms?
(20 October 2017)

What are reasons you should not have online friends?
(20 October 2017)

They could do this accidentally, such as if they are bad at talking.
(20 October 2017)

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