Tuesday 10 October 2017

It is good to be me

Hello single females and couples. I will make an effort to update this blog every now and then. I hope my spanglish does not get in the way, at least not too bad. I never managed a blog before so I ho_ Sally:In fact she insists she is just my friend and even has mentioned she [...]

We do have a small family now so one of us is usually home with the kids. (Meaning me unless I m working). I love my family and wouldn t give them up for anything but is it normal to miss when you were just dating and did things together?
(8 October 2017)

It seems since we got married 3 years ago we do less and less together.
(8 October 2017)

My mom wants me to grow up same time wont let me??
(8 October 2017)

She still calls me baby names too.
(8 October 2017)

Telling me where or what i can do.
(8 October 2017)

Im even moving out but i cant go anywhere without her calling me telling me to come home at a specific time.
(8 October 2017)

She wont let me get a boyfriend or anything.
(8 October 2017)

Like I was talking to a guy she told him to get away from me or yank me away from him.
(8 October 2017)

Guys would you look at your ex if you didn't want her back?
(8 October 2017)

How do I deal with an arrogant friend?
(8 October 2017)

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