Sunday 1 October 2017

Introduction - The Sequel

First off I have to say that the process of creating this little spot to drop my mental garbage was a pain in the ass. I realize that I am a little older and that my 20 year old could have probably do_ Lucy:Does prenatal vitamins boost energy levels?(1 October 2017) Lucy:My friends are dying that its [...]

I'm a gay male turning 18 next year.
(29 September 2017)

Home Alone?
(29 September 2017)

We have no kidsso I'm basically all by myself.
(29 September 2017)

Me and my husband's house is an hour's plane ride away and I'm really anxious to live there alone, especially that we had been burglarized before.
(29 September 2017)

At present, I am staying with relatives who were kind enough to let me in their home, but only for a few weeks.
(29 September 2017)

My husband is currently working abroad and won't be home until next year.
(29 September 2017)

What do you guys think? Ex-GF sent me a message then has not responded..?
(29 September 2017)

I believe he married me for a green card and I'm devastated?
(29 September 2017)

I can barely function some days.
(29 September 2017)

Has anyone else been lied to by someone who you trusted completely.
(29 September 2017)

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