Monday 16 October 2017

here in wny

so its been tough finding someone on here to meet up maybe im doin it wrong…ive held severl convos wuth women n we even texted but then nothing idk_ Bula:I’m worried that there could be something wrong with the baby or they won’t find a heart beat.(14 October 2017) Bula:It’s two days away and I’m 16 weeks [...]

Over the years she has insulted me many times, yelled at me, said she doesn't want me to see her daughter anymore and other things like that.
(13 October 2017)

So I've known my best friend for over 6 years so therefore I've known her mom for that long as well.
(13 October 2017)

Weird being friends with man twice my age?
(13 October 2017)

Same guy as all the questions keeps looking at me, WHAT DO I DO?!??!?!!?
(13 October 2017)

When i looked away, I could see him still looking at me.
(13 October 2017)

We were still talking but the prolonged eye contact made me feel a little weird.
(13 October 2017)

Once we were done we started talking absent mindedly and then our eues met.
(13 October 2017)

In French class we had to write reflections for the end of our unit and i constantly catch him looking at me out of the corner of my eye.
(13 October 2017)

My girlfriend wants me to quit smoking cigarettes? What do I do?
(13 October 2017)

I just can't quit and I hate that should would ask that of me.
(13 October 2017)

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