Sunday, 29 October 2017

Happy HNW: Masturbation!

[image]_ Barabara:I began therapy and went to my church, sought forgiveness.(28 October 2017) Barabara:I told my fiance everything a few days after it ended.(28 October 2017) Barabara:I spoke to an advisor, this bar has had dozens of druggings recently.(28 October 2017) Barabara:During this all my fiance knew was that we had feelings.(28 October 2017) Barabara:It was painful and all about [...]

He and one of our other friends have both been told that she thinks I am really hot and she wants to be set up with me.
(25 October 2017)

One of my close friends has a younger sister.
(25 October 2017)

We crossed paths and she avoids eye contact as do I and she looks down to the right.
(25 October 2017)

There was a moment I caught her staring at me and her body was facing me while talking to someone else but I wasn't sure if she was looking me in the eyes or lips.
(25 October 2017)

I went in to work she walked past me and knew I was there and looked over her shoulder as she walked away into the kitchen.
(25 October 2017)

She eyed me from across the room while touching her face: biting nails or touching lips.
(25 October 2017)

Well I went somewhere and she was there.
(25 October 2017)

Before I started working with her we went a period without talking but she caught me looking her way and held a gaze and didn't stop even when I looked away.
(25 October 2017)

There's a girl who I have a past with and I work with her.
(25 October 2017)

I like a girl who doesn't like me back?
(25 October 2017)

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