Sunday 29 October 2017

But you’re black yourself. And?

Why does being black myself mean I HAVE to be attracted to my own race of males physically? Why does it mean I have to date and be into them because I’m black myself? Why does that absence mean co_ Mamie:I just don’t want him to spring it on me one day that he wants more [...]

How to tell if my husband is a lying cheat?
(27 October 2017)

My mom won't let me spend my own money?
(27 October 2017)

Do you think she has a point or should I stand up for myself?
(27 October 2017)

The only thing I don't pay for is rent but we agreed as long as i went to school i woudnt pay rent.
(27 October 2017)

I feel it's unfair for her to say that because I work hard everyday from 1am to 9 am and then go to college which I pay, and I have car insurance which I pay for the car I bought with my own money.
(27 October 2017)

When It came my mom saw it and freaked and told me I wasn't going to put it on my car because it was gonna attract cops and I was gonna waste money on my car and stuff like that.
(27 October 2017)

I bought this exhaust for my car and I had it shipped to my house.
(27 October 2017)

I keep to myself because by the time I get home from the gym im exhausted.
(27 October 2017)

I work from 1:30am to 9am monday-saturday, mon-thursday after work I go to school at 10:20am and after I go to the gym.
(27 October 2017)

I'm 19, in college and I work part time.
(27 October 2017)

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