Monday 9 October 2017

August vacationing on the beach

Vacation cumming up_ Mila:I have seen attractive girls all the time but never speak up because I am too shy.(6 October 2017) Mila:I know it’s her job to be nice to all customers, but her interaction with me seemed different.(6 October 2017) Mila:They only sell pipes and things like that so its not like I can just go [...]

We did have unprotected sex for a little bit but then placed the condom on and continue on till was done.
(7 October 2017)

I ve been on the patch for 6 months now.
(7 October 2017)

I have been before but lost it and I m not trying to be either.
(7 October 2017)

I m finding it really hard to tell if I m pregnant or not.
(7 October 2017)

Why do people not care about their grades?
(7 October 2017)

My group and I agreed to meet with prof to ask questions, but it ended up only being me. (It was initially my idea). One had to leave because of family matter.
(7 October 2017)

Ive never been single for than a month. is it ok to b single for a very long time?
(7 October 2017)

Im 30 and one of the resons why i stayed in a relationship for so long because i was scared to be alone.
(7 October 2017)

Would he do this if he didn't want me back?
(7 October 2017)

As I was leaving I turned around and he was looking after me.
(7 October 2017)

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