Friday 29 September 2017


More general mix or one sidedShall blogging be more sexual or general or mixed_ Delcie:Also he doesn’t upfront say we aren’t in a relationship.(28 September 2017) Fallon:Does this person like me? or am I in the friend zone?(28 September 2017) Sharell:My friend always dates black guys?(28 September 2017) Bethann:Im dating this guy but I have no feelings?(28 September 2017) Bethann:Don’t [...]

Debating visiting long distance boyfriend?
(26 September 2017)

I am really needing some advice.
(26 September 2017)

He would come here, but June, July, August is when he's in the middle of the school year for college and doesn't get out until November.
(26 September 2017)

I've talked to him about it, but we just end up fighting because he always says that's my only option, what else can we do, etc, and I mean, he is right.
(26 September 2017)

I love him so much but I honestly don't know if I can do it.
(26 September 2017)

Flights are far too expensive to stay there for a week or two, so I would be there a month minimum.
(26 September 2017)

Am I being selfish or snobby by not necessarily wanting to stay there?
(26 September 2017)

All the other guys leave dirty dishes and cups all around, never clean the cooking utilities, etc.
(26 September 2017)

From what i've heard, he's the only one that makes an effort to keep the apartment clean.
(26 September 2017)

They all have their own bedrooms but all share one bathroom.
(26 September 2017)

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