Friday 8 September 2017

Silent Giving

I’m implored to make exceptions, to be myself, to seek myself among changes when we’re always changing on our journey. But I’m sure there’s something in an interpretation or some excuse that I can s_ Iva:Let’s say a guy has a crazy ex-girlfriend who refuses to accept that the relationship is over.(5 September 2017) Audra:It’s kinda uncomfortable [...]

It wasn't all that great. following this, I have been really worried that I am asexual.
(5 September 2017)

I liked a guy for a long time and eventually I got the chance to kiss him.
(5 September 2017)

Frienship issues?
(5 September 2017)

Im too scared to do anything because im afraid i'll just get rejected. any ideas or suggestions of what i can do to repair this friendship?
(5 September 2017)

So now she would completely ignore me, like today, i was literally beside another friend, and she came up and hugged and greeted her and didnt say anything to me. and when she does talk to me, it seems like shes forcing a conversation out.
(5 September 2017)

In the two classes we had together, we didnt really talk and time went by. the reason i never approached her was because i felt like she hated my and didnt want anythin to do with me.
(5 September 2017)

High school came, and she was only in 2 of my classes, and we both made different friend groups.
(5 September 2017)

We had several fights along the way but we always somehow made up and moved on.
(5 September 2017)

However, we started to drift apart in middle school as i became better friends with others and so did she, but we were still pretty close.
(5 September 2017)

Is it a turn on or a turn off for a girl to have casual sex?
(5 September 2017)

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