Monday 4 September 2017

International Woman’s’ Day

It’s International Woman’s’ Day. Congratulations all the woman of the world. Why? I’m not sure.You are already 1/2 the population.You are already some of the best world leadersYou’ve invented some of_ Gladis:My sons are 12 and 13 and when I’m not home my husband likes to give them all types of alcohol.(2 September 2017) Whitney:Is prom really [...]

Im really concerned, please help with honest answers.
(2 September 2017)

My cycle is usually 26-27 days, Im on my 32nd day of the cycle now, still no period.
(2 September 2017)

Now, I am concerned why I still haven't gotten my period.
(2 September 2017)

Last month, july, I only had 1 day of period.
(2 September 2017)

Also, my periods since march has been shorter and shorter in terms of days of my bleeding.
(2 September 2017)

We used a spermicidal condom and still pull out whenever its time for him to ejaculate.
(2 September 2017)

First date awkward gift related question?
(2 September 2017)

Im 14yr and I m having sex with a 20yr my parents know and r ok with our relationship I ve known him for 11yrs and he asked me to marry him?
(2 September 2017)

Do tree cutters usually work on Sundays?
(2 September 2017)

Tomorrow is Sunday and he said this I may have to work a few hours in the morning.
(2 September 2017)

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