Sunday 10 September 2017

cheap experience once again by a doctor

I am ashamed to say here most claim women cheat but i found top most heads of company likeTata motors world head . director of Oriental bank. senior director of Phillips Netherland Sony Ericsson sen_ Hiedi:I’m in high school and I’m SO shy and quiet.(8 September 2017) Valentina:Are 18-year-olds children in your opinion?(8 September 2017) Valentina:VOTE: YES or [...]

Sometimes I think I'm stupid for ever thinking I could fall in love seriously at this age.
(8 September 2017)

I was scared of what people, especially my parents, would say about a girl and girl together.
(8 September 2017)

I think she liked me too, because once she held my hand suddenly.
(8 September 2017)

I'm guilty I took the time I had with her for granted.
(8 September 2017)

The want to protect and cherish someone, to have them by my side.
(8 September 2017)

I haven't felt that from before.
(8 September 2017)

I still think about her, and it pains me.
(8 September 2017)

But sadly, at the end of the year, she changed schools.
(8 September 2017)

I am a 13 year old kid. 3 years ago, I met a girl and fell in love with her.
(8 September 2017)

Can I ask a question without signing in?
(8 September 2017)

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