Monday 18 September 2017

Being Sexually Open and Pregnancy……….

I had my tubes tied at the tender age of 25………..after my 3rd and final child was born. So pregnancy is not something that has even been an issue for me for a long time and it really is not somet_ Elisa:His words weren t slurred, he wasn t stumbling, and he didn t smell of [...]

I will be living happily in my own house, and I will be keeping my money for myself.
(16 September 2017)

For me it doesn't work that way, for this I never going to date in my entire life or even ever getting married.
(16 September 2017)

Not like in past centuries in which love was totally real, today is none existent, but of course if man are financially stable and have money woman would try to be in a relationship or getting married by applying fake love.
(16 September 2017)

Common, faking love with a man for just the sake of getting their money is the new norm in all woman now days.
(16 September 2017)

The reasons are simple, in today's 21 first century most, or I would say all woman just want to be in a relationship with a man for just for their money and to suck away their bank account.
(16 September 2017)

But I thought to myself that I would be kidding myself and it would be a huge mistake, even for getting married.
(16 September 2017)

At the same time I was thinking in opening myself to have a relationship with a girl, I have never dated before.
(16 September 2017)

So this past month I turned 23, I have an awesome job and I'm financially stable to the point that I'm going to buy house.
(16 September 2017)

Why do other women hate my girlfriend because she's a model?
(16 September 2017)

Does my coworker have a crush on me?
(16 September 2017)

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