Sunday 20 August 2017

Winter Blahs

I am so ready for spring to come and cheer everyone up. Remember to enjoy what you have and have fun._ Olevia:I liked you better when you used to threaten me you’ll kill me?(19 August 2017) Olevia:John, come back, let’s make some healthy memories again, please…(19 August 2017) Olevia:Makes me miss the days you would physically restrain me [...]

Are they worried about their looks too?
(18 August 2017)

Some guys are worried about their nose, they think their nose might be too big or flat.
(18 August 2017)

Most guys are worried about their weight, they think they might be too fat or too skinny to able to attract girls.
(18 August 2017)

My friend says I m self absorbed? it true?
(18 August 2017)

I have been almost every time she texts me, but she says I m self absorbed when I don t?
(18 August 2017)

If you fear you'll cheat on your romantic partner (while away at college), should you tell them? Yes or no?
(18 August 2017)

I've never cheated or felt this way in any of my past relationships.
(18 August 2017)

He often makes me feel as if I'm too good for him, could that possibly be why I feel this way?
(18 August 2017)

I go to a single sex college, and am not attracted to other women.
(18 August 2017)

Can I take medicine to make me a nicer person?
(18 August 2017)

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