Saturday, 26 August 2017

Weener Roamings

I don’t know why this entered my mind, yesterday evening, and is still there tis mid morning, but it did and it is, so out it comes. While many folk enjoy FOX News, QVC, ESPN, American Idol and the_ Gennie:People always ask me if I’m okay when I’m just perfectly fine.(25 August 2017) Gennie:Most of the time [...]

I met this guy in school and we became friends.
(23 August 2017)

Chances of getting pregnant on day 6 of a 26 day cycle?
(23 August 2017)

I had ovulation pain on day 12 of my cycle.
(23 August 2017)

Will the sperm live long enough until my ovulation.
(23 August 2017)

What are the chances of getting pregnant from intercourse on day 6 of my cycle.
(23 August 2017)

How to candidly put it out therr?
(23 August 2017)

Idk how to make it clear to guys that I take such things seriously?
(23 August 2017)

Or i've had guys message me only when I send a body picture to streaks even tho we dont communicate at all and its pissing me off.
(23 August 2017)

I've been asked so many times it's ridiculous.
(23 August 2017)

I'm honestly at a point where i'm just going to block guys that ask me for nudes.
(23 August 2017)

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