Tuesday 8 August 2017

Wants and Needs

Whenever I ask the young cubs why they like older women the most common answer is - She knows what she wants.In my case, they’re right.I know what I want in a relationship.I know what I want in a comp_ Lavonia:A while back I started talking to a guy.(6 August 2017) Kylie:Sex anxiety?(6 August 2017) Luna:My (ex) grildrend [...]

I don't even have friends to go out with I feel so miserable, nothing good ever happened to me, I feel so empty, there's no joy in my life I just live day by day but nothing changes no matter what I do, I don't wanna die without a family and children.
(8 August 2017)

I am 19 I never had a girlfriend and I feel like I never will.
(8 August 2017)

Why does it aleays have to be me the one who gets his heart broken?
(8 August 2017)

And now I saw she liked some love quote on IG and I got disappointed.
(8 August 2017)

Nevermind, now I met this girl I find attractive, but all we do is say 'hi' when we see each other.
(8 August 2017)

I went out with this girl a few times and got in love rasily, she rejected me a milion times after that.
(8 August 2017)

My brother whipped me with a belt. Can I have him arrested?
(8 August 2017)

He was mad I interrupted him and his friend.
(8 August 2017)

Should my Mom be excommunicated from her family like they are doing?
(8 August 2017)

He has no contact with his wicked mother so is trusted unlike his hell bound sisters.
(8 August 2017)

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