Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Virtual Symposium…what to write?

Looking forward to participating in the 17th Virtual Symposium…mulling over which First Time experience I want to use….there have been a few. Like the First Time I had sex in a public place…or_ Kayleen:But would a German person feel comfortable dating a Jewish person?(14 August 2017) Kayleen:I know that Germans and Jews have a conflicting history.(14 August [...]

I have looked through his phone and found things like this in the past of texting girls sexually like the girls sending him naked pictures.
(14 August 2017)

So I looked through my boyfriends phone and found out that a night he told me he was hanging out with family he went to go see his ex girlfriend.
(14 August 2017)

There This women I like she lives in the same apartment complex she is same age as me im 21. Would it look bad if I go knock at her door?
(14 August 2017)

Being stringed along?
(14 August 2017)

But whenever I tell her something that might mean she gets less attention from me (e.g date other girls) she's all over me and wants to call me and hang out.
(14 August 2017)

But doesn't seem to be direct about what she feels, she always questions or anything I do to get clarity out of this whole situation.
(14 August 2017)

I really like this girl, she knows I do.. She likes me too, we met several times, had sex ect ect.
(14 August 2017)

If so how can I do it without waking them up?
(14 August 2017)

My Dad and step Mom went to bed but forgot to close the door to their room and I don't like my Dad's snoring should I close it for them?
(14 August 2017)

And even if I want to I don't know what I would say to her.
(14 August 2017)

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