Sunday 6 August 2017

The Bird / the stinger

By the time Widow Molly and I made it back to the office from the bad side of town Mrs Tammy was sucking on Detective Jim’s big dick that was even bigger than before from the bee sting . Widow Molly_ Rubie:My daughter is college educated, has a great job, and is a hard worker.(3 August [...]

I really want to post it because I look good but my butt is half on the sink.
(6 August 2017)

I'm a girl and I'm 16 and I want to post a mirror selfie of me but my butt is half on the sink (sink booty). Do you think that is not appropriate for me to post on instagram because I don't want to get hate for it.
(6 August 2017)

How am I supposed to be ok or happy through this?
(6 August 2017)

I'm not going sugar coat and act like im ok with every single thing in the world.
(6 August 2017)

As a human being I am going to feel a certain way when I don't get my way in life.
(6 August 2017)

Every bodies looking at me like I'm crazy and I'm at fault.
(6 August 2017)

Should I just start drinking as a way to deal with my problems?
(6 August 2017)

What do I do for happiness and pleasure?
(6 August 2017)

So now I'm f'd up about the fact that I have to stay home and deal with my mother and I am a very sexually frustrated 18 year old man.
(6 August 2017)

I had a gf that didn't want to have sex with me.
(6 August 2017)

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