Wednesday 2 August 2017

Telling the truth without being cruel

What do you do when you have been chatting with another couple for weeks. and then when you finally meet, you have no attraction. But they still do. How do you handle that? Just say we our sorry but w_ Roberta:I’ve always felt like I valued our friendship, whereas she would take it or leave it.(1 [...]

The aunt has been texting me to get dirt on her son.
(2 August 2017)

The son is apparently hurt by this so I feel bad for him and see him from time to time.
(2 August 2017)

As a result my aunt resents that son with a burning passion.
(2 August 2017)

However, her son had a better father and keeps up with him and gets along with him, he even lives next door to him.
(2 August 2017)

She has two daughters she is wonderful to because they have a different father and don't speak to him.
(2 August 2017)

She seems to be doing it so she can turn it into something negative.
(2 August 2017)

She is apparently contacting people to get info on her son or ex.
(2 August 2017)

My brother looks at my boobs and legs with lust recently and I enjoy very ashamed?
(2 August 2017)

Is smoking marijuana actually good for you?
(2 August 2017)

I heard it relieves pain, it stimulates appetite and it relaxes you.
(2 August 2017)

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