Tuesday 22 August 2017

Say hi!

If you stop by, say hi!! Love to meet new people!!_ Neta:Which boy name is best?(21 August 2017) Neta:So Coleton, but he can go by Cole.(21 August 2017) Neta:I like Cole but feel it’s too short.(21 August 2017) Jon:Anyone gotten pregnant on Sprintec birth control?(21 August 2017) Jon:I’m not in antibiotics and I know to take it at the same [...]

So I have stopped taking the pill this month and I am due on my period in 8 days.
(20 August 2017)

Almost 18 year old and 12 year old question?
(20 August 2017)

Does this mean bf and his ex didn't talk?
(20 August 2017)

He was on his phone when she was trying to talk to him and after that only him and his male friend would hang a bit after the lunch bell rang.
(20 August 2017)

He would sit with his friend (male) and friends friend (female). His ex.
(20 August 2017)

Is he worth a friend?
(20 August 2017)

I am trying to figure out if A is worth to continue as friend wth whom I enjoy as lunch and dinner companion.
(20 August 2017)

Only A suggested to give him a treat.
(20 August 2017)

Or is it A only treat him only because I didn t offer to give a treat as I had bought that guy a farewell gift already.
(20 August 2017)

I am not talking about money here.
(20 August 2017)

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