Saturday 26 August 2017

Guys. Is this your dream or fantasy?

Is this your dream or fantasy. Do you like?Or Have you already had this happen before. If so. Share with us how that happen. We want details_ Margaretta:I know I have tons of time to figure it out, but I feel rushed because my friend (who’s only 20) is getting married next month.(25 August 2017) Margaretta:So I [...]

My Mom told me today to be careful what kind of outfits I wear?
(23 August 2017)

How can I find out if my step dad likes me or not?
(23 August 2017)

I told mom maybe she is lying and that she is jealous of me because I'm so much sexier than she is.
(23 August 2017)

My mom is putting my health at great risk by doing what she is doing. the teason i am sick alot is because of the conditions that I live in.
(23 August 2017)

I have asked her to not use scented stuf around me as it sets my asthma off, but she uses them anyway, as if she does not care.
(23 August 2017)

In the winter time she likes to keep the house set to 60, which makes me worse as cold weather and air not only makes my asthma worse but also makes me sick as well.
(23 August 2017)

My mom is definitely making me worse, with not only the way she treats me but also with the fact that she does not care much about me or my health. . My mom is making my asthma worse then what it should be.
(23 August 2017)

Do you think you can meet someone at the gym? I would rather do that then at bars?
(23 August 2017)

Its once or twice a month is when I go out and get drunk.
(23 August 2017)

It's not like I drink it every night.
(23 August 2017)

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