Monday 7 August 2017


I want my casket to have a crank on the side of it and to play jack-in-the-box music._ Kathaleen:How do I stop my girlfriend from going to the police?(4 August 2017) Kathaleen:She had a miscarriage (thank God) but now she’s threatening to go to the police.(4 August 2017) Kathaleen:My girlfriend told me she was pregnant - I didn’t [...]

I apologized to him and his mom.
(7 August 2017)

We are both 18 years old and i feel like we should've talked before he involved his parents in the fight.
(7 August 2017)

I am kinda hurt and upset that he went and talked bad about me to his parents before we even had a chance to talk about our argument.
(7 August 2017)

Should I be in my relationship even though I'm not physically attracted to my boyfriend of five years?
(7 August 2017)

I love him very much, I just dont feel physically attracted to him.... what should I do?
(7 August 2017)

Only problem is that I don't think he's very attractive... He wants to get intimate, but I just can't bring myself to do anything with him.
(7 August 2017)

He gives me so much love and I can honestly say that I don't think anyone else could love me the way he does.
(7 August 2017)

He's a nice guy that truly does love me.
(7 August 2017)

I love him very much, it's just that I'm not physically attracted to him.
(7 August 2017)

I m 14 and I have holes in my nipples and I m scared what if I m pregnant ?? But I don t have sex I m only 14 pls help I m scared !!?
(7 August 2017)

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