Sunday 20 August 2017

Blowjob Vs. Bowling!

Gentleman and Pervs, so tell me, if your lady had the two nights off per week and one of them was your bowling night, would you:_ Julienne:Sometimes I’ll pass him on the way to my class and we’ll make like eye contact ..but the thing is he has a girlfriend but he doesn’t really mention her [...]

I'm super independent but it seems like she's treating my like I'm the needy one.
(17 August 2017)

Lately, she'll ask me if I need anything and check up on me and apologize profusely if she suggests something that doesn't work for me.
(17 August 2017)

I have been staying with a friend and she is really needy and not the kind of person to take risks and do things for herself.
(17 August 2017)

Why do my friend expect for me to help her cheat in nursing school?
(17 August 2017)

We sit together everyday and I want to stop this.
(17 August 2017)

Things she does just ignore me, she cheats anyway she can, always we ant to copy others assignments and copy everything I do.
(17 August 2017)

So I say no and if she fails again she tries to make it seem like it's my fault because I didn't tutor her I don't want to seem like the person who all for myself but I have so much depending on this and have to get myself situated first.
(17 August 2017)

Why is this guy not texting?
(17 August 2017)

I don't like getting my hopes up so I stopped texting and won't until he does because if he likes me as he told mw he should be texting like he was before not less.
(17 August 2017)

I heard from his last night when I was out with friends nut today nothing I wait for him to text first and all day nothing all last week he was so talkative.
(17 August 2017)

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