Saturday 29 July 2017

Subliminal Messages

I must admit that on this site I am a firm believer in subliminal messages. These are messages you get in your head that are not sent. It tells you if you have it or if you don’t. Do they like_ Amelia:I heard her complain to a few coworkers asking why I didn’t talk to her [...]

We've worked through our issues and things have been going great.
(29 July 2017)

My boyfriend and I have been dating on and off for 6 months.
(29 July 2017)

My bf of a year says he is on the fence about our relationship. What does this mean? And how will he come down off of that fence?
(29 July 2017)

We are both in our late thirties.
(29 July 2017)

Couple deleting photos online is their marriage safe?
(29 July 2017)

Should I talk to one of them about this or wait till they come to me to talk about it?
(29 July 2017)

There is also no mention of his marriage in his bio.
(29 July 2017)

I am close to a couple and notice lately the husband has deleted all photos of the wife on Instagram.
(29 July 2017)

I have been choked at school by my friends, need help?
(29 July 2017)

I don't have any bruises on my neck but each time she choke me very hard for about 2 min till I can't breathe.
(29 July 2017)

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