Sunday 2 July 2017


Shine is used very much in a descriptive way or even as a noun. We are going to use it both ways in our Romance lesson today. What puts the shine on a Romance or the shine emanating from a person afte_ Meryl:He graduated but he knew i liked him the whole time.(2 July 2017) Meryl:So long [...]

I do like her and i do want a relationship, and i know deep down that she does too, i just dont know how to get it out of her?
(2 July 2017)

I do like her, and i know that she does like me somewhere down there, I just dont know how to get her to realise it herself, because when we are together we are so good and talk for ages and laugh and have fun.
(2 July 2017)

This girl ive been texting and seeing the last few weeks told me that wanted a relationship, but now she says she doesnt know what she wants.
(2 July 2017)

Is my boyfriend protective of me?
(2 July 2017)

Should I go to this meetup?
(2 July 2017)

I went to a meetup last week, it was a night out at a club and I had a great time, there was a guy there who I'd met at another meetup and I may be developing a crush on...I think he likes me too.
(2 July 2017)

Help! Why is my bunny peeing in the wrong spot? He is potty trained!?
(2 July 2017)

Only small amounts scattered in his cage.
(2 July 2017)

He poops perfectly fine in his potty.
(2 July 2017)

Please help I want it to stop so he can have a CLEAN home.
(2 July 2017)

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