Thursday 6 July 2017

Kings and themes…

This year, riding on the first float, King Anthony Mackie. Theme, Flights of Delight.Kings/Themes 2015, John C Reilly2014, Hugh LaurieBacchus XLV (2013)G. W. Bailey”Bacchus Sails The Seven Seas”Bacc_ Tran:I am a soon to be sophomore in high school and I go to this afterschool where I met this soon to be junior in high school and [...]

At loss after d&e at 20weeks?
(6 July 2017)

Is there anyone out there was advice on dealing with this sort of loss?
(6 July 2017)

My whole heart is crushed because I don't want anyone to think I didn't want this baby.
(6 July 2017)

I was the one who was to be responsible for this baby and I ruined it.
(6 July 2017)

I had my surgery today and feel empty inside.
(6 July 2017)

I still feel so horrible and at fault for not realizing sooner and for abusing my body and health of the baby.
(6 July 2017)

I knew what we had to do for the sake of the baby and my health.
(6 July 2017)

I only had started showing this past week (why I took a pregnancy test to begin with) and was growing very attached to the baby.
(6 July 2017)

My boyfriend and I made the decision to terminate the pregnancy and the doctor told my boyfriend we were making the best decision due to what was seen on the ultrasound.
(6 July 2017)

I found out I was 19 weeks pregnant last week, due to not knowing I was pregnant for almost half of a pregnancy, I was careless with my body and was abusing drugs.
(6 July 2017)

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