Monday 24 July 2017

Happy Valentines Day…

Happy Valentines Day to all the sexy peeps.._ Lee:Texting an ex to get stuff off your chest?(23 July 2017) Lee:Is that wrong to do has any one else had to do this?(23 July 2017) Mei:I hit my younger brother and it is always my fault?(23 July 2017) Mei:He either starts with a tiny hit because he would be afraid [...]

I was wary and answered bluntly.
(24 July 2017)

I left him too his own devices and then a few weeks later he started speaking to me again.
(24 July 2017)

We broke up at Christmas (We had a miscarriage and we argued all the time over it) and he instantly started seeing another girl.
(24 July 2017)

HELP Me and my ex-boyfriend were in a relationship for 7 years.
(24 July 2017)

Scorpio man - what to do if he needs a pause after an emotional situation?
(24 July 2017)

On the other hand it might be better just to wait and avoid any pressure?
(24 July 2017)

Or should I do something, e.g. ask via message for his well being that he knows I still care for him.
(24 July 2017)

Now I don't know if I should just wait for a reaction from his part.
(24 July 2017)

He has not answered but as I saw him one time at work he seemed to be happy to see me but did not approach me.
(24 July 2017)

After this talk we agreed to continue to work together.
(24 July 2017)

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