Tuesday 4 July 2017

Disappointed in Connecticut

I am totally disappointed with my visit to Connecticut, oh it was great to see family and friends but I didn’t meet one person on Meelp. It really makes me appreciate Florida much more, not only is_ Audrea:I immidiatly went to the doctor and found out what was causing it and now it’s fixed but I’m [...]

I naturally get tired at sometime between 11 and midnight, thus, I have to sit in bed for an hour or two until my brain actually shuts down.
(4 July 2017)

The latter I don't have a problem with, but how can I convince them to let me stay up later?
(4 July 2017)

Hello, I am 13 and my sister is 16, and despite it being summer right now, our parents force us to be in bed by 10 PM and even having phones or laptops in our rooms at night is strictly prohibited.
(4 July 2017)

Is it normal to feel this way at 18?
(4 July 2017)

I'm tired of the status quo and just wanna do something new, experience different cultures, travel, etc.
(4 July 2017)

I kinda just wanna get on a plane and study abroad for a couple years.
(4 July 2017)

What is a second chance family?
(4 July 2017)

Is a second chance family your kids and spouse, your friends that you choose to be family, or a family that you choose to be in or someone lets you be in?
(4 July 2017)

I was reading a story about coping with family estrangement and it said how to cope with this was to make a second chance family.
(4 July 2017)

Ignorance attracts.. but being nice guy gets to friendzone. why?
(4 July 2017)

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