Sunday 2 July 2017

!~! THe Bad Girl Club

A friend sent this article to me via email. I have served in the military for 30 years and I have to say that this article woke me up. Although I had served with women, fortunately none had been inju_ Cara:How do I advise my Mom to handle these vultures?(1 July 2017) Cara:They are like food, they [...]

Describe to me why the women where I live are like this?
(1 July 2017)

The women tends to think a normal woman, one that has long hair and feminine and has etiquette is automatically a stuck up Beotch and fake.
(1 July 2017)

The women where I live don't wear makeup.
(1 July 2017)

The women where I live talks just like a guy would talk and get into brawls.
(1 July 2017)

Most of the women tends to have muscle bodies and look like a man from a distance and wear little to no feminine clothing.
(1 July 2017)

Where I live, the women tends to find every reason that they can to punish a man.
(1 July 2017)

My girlfriend wants a bird but sadly is allergic to them is there anyway I can help her and get her one she can t take pills tho?
(1 July 2017)

Is it bad that I don't accept invitations from my friends anymore?
(1 July 2017)

I feel like I'd rather be alone.
(1 July 2017)

At the end of the day I'm not so sure that's a bad thing.
(1 July 2017)

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