Thursday 1 June 2017

The Male Ego

This is a true story. A couple days ago while watching my grandchildren I walk by the bathroom and my grandson soon to be 4 is taking a leak standing up. To get his attention I growl at him “you bet_ Clemencia:Besides these sad points, he is very caring, if I need help, he is there [...]

I like my country so I don't want to move elsewhere but I don't find guys of own nationality attractive.. ps: I'm not from the usa just to clarify I am not a lesbian, I am not attracted to women either.
(1 June 2017)

Fellow Mormons, where do I pick up those nifty uniforms I see them young lads walking around in?
(1 June 2017)

She will know my name and not have to feel awkward as I stare at her.
(1 June 2017)

I like those black name tags they have and would like to wear one when I'm out walking my dog in case some beautiful lady stops me and wants to pet my doggy.
(1 June 2017)

If a girl let a guy grab and smack her but and she sits on his lap when he tells her.....?
(1 June 2017)

Am I very attractive?
(1 June 2017)

Im suprised by all this because in middle school i was the ugly child and now im considered attractive.
(1 June 2017)

Im not gay at all but i just don't understand why guys think i look good too.
(1 June 2017)

And not only does women love me even the guys use to stare at me which makes me feel like im too pretty looking.
(1 June 2017)

People always tell me i have beautiful skin, beautiful teeth, beautiful hair, but nobody wants to go out with me which confuses me.
(1 June 2017)

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