Friday, 9 June 2017

Signs That You’re Broke

American Express calls and says: “Leave home without it!” Your idea of a 7-course meal is taking a deep breath outside a fine restaurant.You’re formulating a plan to rob the food bank. You’ve rolled s_ Armida:I don’t understand whats going on.(6 June 2017) Armida:I am a virgin but I’m not scared of inserting the dildo or any [...]

A girl I like snap chatted me and I'm extremely nervous to answer and inexperienced with girls. Please help?
(8 June 2017)

I'm very inexperienced and nervous.
(8 June 2017)

I need help just to chill my nerves.
(8 June 2017)

This girl is way out of league and has more money than me.
(8 June 2017)

To answer a question your probably thinking yes I'm young and only 15. I have talked to only ONE girl through text before and it was 2 years ago.
(8 June 2017)

Woman at work trying to split my wife and I up?
(8 June 2017)

Also everyone at work refers to her as my girl.
(8 June 2017)

This chick at work is trying to get me to seperate from my wife.
(8 June 2017)

What do newly weds fight about most?
(8 June 2017)

What were the most common things you and your spouse fought about in the first five years of marriage?
(8 June 2017)

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