Sunday 11 June 2017

Sex chat, or not?

[image]My chat experiences have been entertaining and sometimes frustrating. I’m here to meet people. I am pretty clear about that on my profile. I dont have any desire to waste my time or yours. So,_ Tabitha:My mom would say the most horrible things that a mom should never say.(9 June 2017) Tabitha:He’s being emotionally affected by her.(9 [...]

I asked him if he likes me or not, HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING.
(10 June 2017)

I tried talking to him a few times, he seems very comfortable, but then got no balls enough to come up and say hi to me the next day, but he always says hi to my friend.
(10 June 2017)

He also used to glance at me and then talk to his friends, That's when I just know he's talking about me.
(10 June 2017)

But, like, He even stares at me in my dreams, like this boy haunts me.
(10 June 2017)

Well, just a couple of weeks ago, My BFF, whom i known for years, told my crush that I like him, and my crush said he doesn't know if he likes me and i don't ''talk to him''. Even tho i tried contacting him.
(10 June 2017)

Hello, My name is Bre for short, and I have crush on this guy in my school, and it has been a bit of an issue for me.
(10 June 2017)

I'm 15 and still have a bedtime. Aren't I too old? How can I convince my parents I'm not 5 anymore. No one else my age has a bedtime?
(10 June 2017)

How do I know if some is gay or not?
(10 June 2017)

He doesn't seem or act gay, but like is he ok?
(10 June 2017)

Someone in my family is 18 and never had a girlfriend yet.
(10 June 2017)

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