Saturday 3 June 2017

Pictures that pop up on your phone when it rings at work.

Most of us have a smart phone and many times we have them out at work within arms length. They are sometimes on silent or low buzz when they ring and for certain people you might have programmed a s_ Arletha:For example I might be sitting reading a book and Dara creep up and scare me [...]

So last month i missed a few pills of my birth control.
(2 June 2017)

My mom cookes all the time,what if your mom did?
(2 June 2017)

What do you think men should do if women comment on their appearance whether a compliment or just something awkward?
(2 June 2017)

As a ninth grader, am I old enough yet?
(2 June 2017)

Im going to tell my crush how I feel about her but I'm not sure how to end it Should I say I would like to move our friendship to next level?
(2 June 2017)

Why guys think girls care about confidence?
(2 June 2017)

I think girls don't care about confidence.
(2 June 2017)

I also noticed guys with avoidant personality disorder also have a high chance at pulling women.
(2 June 2017)

I met lot of guys with low self-esteem on the internet who were successful at pulling attractive women.
(2 June 2017)

Invited to a birthday party but don't want to go. What should I do?
(2 June 2017)

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